
Aug 22, 2021

First Day of Football

Curly had his first real football game today against Mt. Ridge. It's kind of funny, they are a relatively new school, but gone are the days of rivalry with Alta and Riverton. Mt. Ridge is now the team that dominates. Well, except for Bingham. We lost 31 - 18.

I have to confess that I didn't get any pics at the game. I did take this amazing one afterward as we were getting ready to leave. Curly played Center and he did a great job. He only had one bad snap the entire game, and it was for a punt which they had not practiced yet. 

Beauty and The Beast came along with their two boys. Those little guys sure love football! Right before this pic, Curly finished the team chat and each boy ran to him for a big hug. Wish I would have had my camera out then. 

The other thing that went on this weekend was a birthday party for Curly. I didn't take any pics for that either. We had 20 teenage boys in the church gym playing dodgeball. Scout and I were the referees and the boys were well-behaved (while trying to kill each other with squishy nerf-type balls), but it was just not one of those times when I wanted to drop my whistle and pick up my camera, you know?

It sure was fun to see the football team out of uniform though. With helmets on, I never get to see their faces. They appeared to love dodgeball almost as much as football.

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