
Jul 21, 2021

Traveling as Two: First Gelati

Monday was a great day to get some laundry done, to visit and just hang out around the house. Twizlet had a Princess Dance Camp, so she spent a couple of hours at her studio in the morning. Teach did a little homework, and Twiz went to work in Philadelphia.

Then Teach and I did a little grocery shopping at the Acme while Crafty watched the kids at the house. I love seeing the difference in prices and products when I travel. I even bought a few fun treats to take home.

Then we used some of that yummy food we bought and had an amazing dinner. A little later in the evening, Teach suggested we go to Rita's and get a gelati. Now I have never had a real gelati and I was pretty excited to try what sounded like an amazing new treat. 

The drive was short and we got out of the car to place our order. I saw a sign that said "Five Layer Flavor" and that sounded perfect to me. 

It was delicious and definitely on my new list of favorite treats.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading of this precious moment with your daughter. The treat does look yummy!
