
Jul 25, 2021

Happy Pioneer Day!

Sorry to interrupt the last part of our trip, but I couldn't wait to tell you about all the fun we had for Pioneer Day. It started last night when Baby Doll decided to decorate her bike for the Primary Parade. I went upstairs to finish folding laundry while she and Drama Queen put their heads together and started to make plans.
The Primary Parade and Pancake breakfast for our ward started at 8:00 am (which is incredibly early for a Saturday morning, but nobody asked me...) The girls had come up with something completely fun and different. 
We had fun at the church and the parade was so cute!
I have to confess though that my crazy 3 weeks of travel had left me lacking and when I got home about 10, I went back to bed for a couple of hours. 
(My sweetie is such a joiner.)

The next 5 hours were a whirlwind of shopping; first we bought Crafty a couple of pairs of shoes for the mission, then we hit two grocery stores, restocking and cleaning the fridge as well as planning for Crafty's party tomorrow. She is speaking in church and then having some friends over. She doesn't leave for her mission until August 3, but since next week is Fast Sunday, she speaks a week earlier than normal although nothing about her mission situation is normal as you well know.
But I digress...

Bossy and Gamer had planned a get together for the family to celebrate the holiday. Dog Walker bought a bunch of fireworks and you know how persuasive he can be. Gamer smoked some ribs and we cut up a watermelon. The food was delicious. 
Since we were out of town for Skittles birthday, he opened his gifts from us.
He was so cute and so excited about everything, even the clothes... ok, most of the clothes. He like the cars and trucks so much more.
Then it was time for fireworks. Gamer and Dog Walker put on quite a show to a very appreciative audience. 
Happy 24th of July everyone. We love our beautiful state of Utah and the amazing pioneers who settled it for us.

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