
Jun 1, 2021

Seminary Graduation 2021

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have a Seminary program for students in 9-12 grades. They can come before or during school hours by taking one period off for what is called released time where they can attend classes covering the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If they make it through all 4 years and complete the requirements, they can receive a diploma for Seminary Graduation. 

Sport is our 9th child to put in the time and effort to complete all 4 years. On Sunday afternoon we met with the graduates from our stake which turned out to be about 25 young men and women and their loved ones. They had a little ceremony with speakers and Sport was invited to share the Scripture Theme for the year. 

Then the Bishops presented certificates to the ones from their wards. I'm so proud of Sport and his hard work and desire to meet his goals.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Sport on graduating from Seminary. I think that is highly important. I love Utah and some areas, released time program. I taught Early Morning Seminary for 4 years when we lived in Spokane. It was one of my favorite callings.
    I love the young people. My class was a mix of all the grade levels.
    Hugs for Sport and meeting his goals!
