
Jun 27, 2021

Lagoon With the Boys 2021

We had so much fun last summer with the kids and grandkids! So when Easter rolled around this year, instead of tons of candy, our kids found Season Passports to Lagoon in their baskets. Other than Scout's 9th grade field trip, Friday was our first real opportunity to get part of the family to Lagoon, so we decided we better take it.
Last year we took Little Warrior with us many times and he loved it! This was the first time for our Little Squire and he was much more stoic. So much so that I made it my mission to try to get him to smile.
Little Squire just turned 2 in March and he is barely tall enough for some of the rides, and this was his first one.
Curly was an amazing uncle! We hardly had to do anything. 
Little Warrior had a great time! Still no smiles from Little Squire, but no tears either, so we were hopeful.
We had to find just the right ride...
Got it!!
Second happiest place on earth!!

1 comment:

  1. Lagoon is a fun place for sure, although I haven't been there for a very long time. I think those little ones are so adorable. I'm glad little Square found a fun ride.
    Blessings and hugs!
