
May 3, 2021

Traveling as Two - Fast & Furious

Last Wednesday, I was casually scrolling through my email when I saw that the Megaplex was giving away a pair of tickets to every account holder to see the first Fast & Furious movie on Friday night. I quickly opened my app and I began flipping through screens. Our hometown Megaplex had already given away their max number of tickets, so I started hitting up each theater one at a time looking for empty seats.

Finally, I found a couple of seats at the University Theater. I knew that University Avenue was in Provo, so I figured we could still drive the hour home when the show got out around 10:30. I ordered popcorn using my points and a little cash to buy drinks and then, transaction completed, I started looking for the address.

It wasn't in Provo... it was in Logan!! It was two hours to Logan!

My sweetie noticed my distress and disappointment. Have I ever told you what a great guy I have? He listened to me lament and then he pulled out his app and booked us for Friday night at the Hampton Inn in Logan.


We arrived in Logan on Friday and drove straight to our favorite haunt during our college days at Utah State back in 1988. Angie's was busy, but not bad for a Friday night, and the food was delicious as usual.

After dinner, we headed to the Hampton so we could check in. We had a huge room on the 3rd floor with a balcony overlooking main street and a spectacular view of the Logan Temple.

My sweetie promised me a soak in the hot tub before the movie, and the Hampton has an awesome pool and the hot tub has a swim-thru to outside. We spent a while in both places until it was time to head back to our room to get ready.

It was only a short distance to the theater and after checking in and picking up our treats, we settled ourselves on the back row of the theater to watch the show.

And since this is getting so long, I will tell you the rest of the story tomorrow.

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