
May 5, 2021

Show Me "Paint the House"

Remember The Karate Kid? I felt like him last Saturday. We got home from Logan just in time to head over to Drama Queen's house. Last Saturday, Gamer painted her entire house a beautiful shade of gray, and I had promised Drama Queen that if she would help get my littles where they needed to be on Saturday morning, I would make sure our little crew was onboard to paint her trim when we got home.

I was so tired. 

But we quickly got everyone painting. Crafty, Scout, Baby Doll, Drama Queen, my Sweetie and I all grabbed various brushes and rollers and we got started. Her house has wood siding and there were so many places that had trim! All around each window as well as any corner, the soffit and the chimney. 

When I first started spreading the approved blue paint, it hardly looked different from the gray and I had a sinking feeling that I had made a bad choice, but my sweetie assured me that if would look brighter when it dried, and he was right,

It looked great! We painted until we could hardly move. As they were finishing the upper parts of the windows with the huge extended roller, I started weeding the little garden and by the time I had finished, I had gotten rid of most of the weeds in the entire corner of the yard. 

The girls were still painting the last of the trim as my sweetie and I dragged ourselves to the van. We are not as young as we used to be.

1 comment:

  1. When I heard of that concept, I didn't quite understand how it worked, until you told me about a scene from The Karate Kid.
