
May 22, 2021

My Favorite Part of Hogle Zoo

We have had so much fun with our pass to Hogle Zoo! Little Warrior and Little Squire have been wanting to see the animals for weeks, but we couldn't get our schedules to mesh until The Beast had a thing with some friends this morning. That left Beauty with several free hours so we could finally make the trip.

Curly had baseball practice, and we decided to leave as soon as he got home. Bossy offered to drive for me since she knew we had been out late last night and Gamer drove the rest of their kids. Beauty drove her car too.

That made for a big, fun group!

My favorite part was the train.

And the carousel.

Watching my cute grandsons was the best!

Too bad Baby Doll and I had to take off early, but there was no way we were going to miss her last soccer game of the season. She even played goalie for the first time ever!

Actually, I think my favorite part of the Hogle Zoo is the fact that I can go again anytime I want (as long as I can find a few cute kids to go with me).


1 comment:

  1. I am sure that watching your grandchildren was the best. I know I would love the train and the Carousel too.
    We just went to a soccer game too and watched our grandson play. He usually plays goalie for most of the game. They won which was fun.
    Thanks for sharing your zoo adventure!
