
Apr 9, 2021

Traveling Together - Spring Break at Utah Field House of Natural History

Before we left the beautiful city of Vernal, Utah, we had one more stop to make, the Utah Field House of Natural History State Park Museum. It has a big name because this place is massive!!

We started out with a short movie in the little theater. Because of COVID-19, it was mostly our family, which is good, because my little grandsons asked SO many questions!!

After we left the theater, we moved into the interactive children's area. The kids loved this area, but I think the walk-through cave was their favorite. They even made me stoop down and go through. (That was Scout in the pic.)

We walked through several more bone exhibits until we reached the exit for the outside garden. It was really windy so Princess and I stayed inside with Dutchess while my sweetie took the kids outside to see the life-sized dinosaur figures.

Princess and I sat in the gallery with a full-sized allosaurus skeleton. Until I actually saw one, I had no idea how big they were.

We couldn't leave without hitting the gift shop, and these purple shirts were definitely my favorite!

Happy Spring Break!!


  1. Puppy Lover and I had fun at the museum, even though prehistoric education isn't her cup of tea.

  2. Such cute photos of your grands! How fun to make this stop and see such amazing things. We will put that on our list for places to visit.
    Blessings and hugs!
