
Apr 5, 2021

Our Easter Sunday - part 2

If you remember from yesterday's post, my kiddos were just finishing up finding 142 colored, hard-boiled eggs. General Conference Sunday morning session was starting, so we all gathered around the TV to watch. When the closing song began, we headed off to get changed for our trip to Bossy and Gamer's house. 

They had big plans that included the entire family.  First of all, Burrito was ordained into the office of a Teacher in the Aaronic Priesthood and then set apart as the Secretary of his Quorum. 

After that, Bossy and Gamer's little guy, Queso, was given a name and a blessing by his daddy. 

Then it was time for a massive Easter Egg Hunt! If you remember, Bossy and Gamer put on one of these for the entire family every year. The kids and adults gathered hundreds of plastic eggs as well as small toys and goodies. The pile covered an entire queen-sized quilt!

Then it was time for a picnic lunch. 

By 2:00, we were back at the house, watching conference and getting ready for our own March/April birthday party. The day was so beautiful that we had our dinner outside as well. 

The kids loved playing in the sandpile, jumping on the tramp and just being together. 

Grownups talked and played basketball. Other than the fact that we were missing our Prima Donna, everyone was here and just enjoying being together. 

It was a perfect Easter Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. This does look like a perfect family Easter day. Conference was a big bonus for sure.
    I enjoyed all the photos and the fun.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
