
Apr 20, 2021

Just a Silly Dad Joke

The Dog Walker came home from work last night all excited to make everyone a yummy treat. He had oreos and vanilla ice cream and before long, he was mixing up oreo milk shakes for everyone.

He opened the cupboard full of fancy glassware and pulled out some choices. Drama Queen chose her favorite, a cowboy boot-shaped glass that Teach sent home from her mission in Fort Worth, Texas.

Always the jokester, Drama Queen pointed to her delicious treat and exclaimed in her best Toy Story voice...
"There's a SHAKE in my boot!!"

Happy Monday!😁💕


  1. In retrospect, I made the milkshake as a way of celebrating Twizzler's birthday, even though they live on the other end of the country.

  2. Such a fun post and a cute joke! Hugs for Dog Walker and Drama Queen
