
Apr 23, 2021

Earning a Band Medal

Band has been interesting this year to say the least. Baby Doll started out meeting with everyone twice a week before school, then someone in her conductor's family got COVID-19 and they could only meet virtually for a while. Baby Doll struggled with the zoom calls because she worried so much about being late for school.
After the first of the year, band was more regular and even though she was the only clarinet in the advanced band, she started attending regularly and she got much better. Their Spring Concert was virtual, but unlike the Holiday Concert, the kids were all together this time but without an audience. I would love to give you a link, but we have been asked not to share publicly. 
But I can show you her certificates and more importantly, her band medal. She had to complete 8 different activities to earn it including a solo. It would have been so easy for her to give up this year. 
We are so proud of her for hanging in there.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Baby Doll for earning the Band Medal and work hard at it all in difficult circumstances.
    Sending hugs your way!
