
Mar 12, 2021

Traveling as Two - Duluth

 Back on the road, we made good time all the way to Duluth. As we got closer to the city and Lake Superior came back into view, only the smaller waterways were still frozen. We saw the first big ship just outside the harbor at Duluth.

I was still taking pics of the ship when the lifting bridge first came into view. We had heard from friends that it was amazing, but none of their descriptions matched the enormity of the bridge or the gray of the water. 

As we got nearer to the bridge, we noticed the Great Lakes Aquarium. Now if you have followed my blog, you know that I am a sucker for a good aquarium. We pulled up and paid for parking. The attendant handed me a $5 credit for the gift shop...

This aquarium was different from most of the ones we have seen. It focused mainly on the beauty and the freshwater fish found in the Great Lakes. 

My favorite was the water display that showed how the lakes were all connected.

My sweetie couldn't wait to have his picture taken with some of his new friends.

There were also stunning views of the harbor and the lifting bridge.

After we spent way too much at the gift shop, we climbed back in the car so we could drive across that bridge. On the way over, I was focused on the huge steel structure of the bridge. 

On my way back, I couldn't take my eyes off the vastness of the waters of Lake Superior as they stretched out on the right side of us as far as the eye could see.

The lake followed us all the way to our next hotel in Silver Bay.

1 comment:

  1. You are so blessed to get a trip like this to the lakes. I love all the photos and descriptions.
