
Mar 10, 2021

Traveling as Two - Silver City, Michigan

We were sad to leave beautiful Door County, but also excited to get on with the next part of our adventure. It was a scenic travel day and by the time we were finished, my sweetie had logged almost seven hours behind the wheel. 

We had to drive back down the peninsula and through Green Bay first (and find another Yoder Amish fried pie. Those things are so good!!), but then we headed straight across Wisconsin until we found ourselves in frozen Michigan. 

We knew that Lake Superior was close, but Ashland had plenty of snow and only some of it had been plowed. Unfortunately, none of the public roads leading to Lake Superior looked like they had seen car tracks since October.      

We finally gave up and set the GPS to our hotel. 

When we got there, we realized that we had a view of the parking lot rather than the lake and after some sweet talking and twenty bucks, we convinced them to let us change rooms. 

We were so glad that we did!! This is the view outside of our window. The ice floating on Lake Superior was more beautiful and majestic than I could have ever imagined.                                                                                       And a little later with this stunning sunset.              

1 comment:

  1. I guess money really does talk! Way to go on getting the room changed. It does look like a unique view. So happy that you are having so much fun!
