
Mar 23, 2021

Little Squire is Turning Two

It's hard to believe that it has been almost two years since this little guy was born. Time seems to just be flying by!

Last year about this time we were struggling with COVID-19. Everything was shut down and Beauty and The Beast kept their little family locked away from the world. 

Little Squire never cared for me much then and after being away from us for several months, he liked me even less. I was pretty devastated with his tears, but hoped that eventually that would change.

Beauty and The Beast were sent home to work and for a time, they tried doing it with the boys. But it was hard to be productive, so they started hiring my kids to watch theirs, sometimes over there and sometimes here. 

That is when Little Squire and I finally became friends. I was happy to have him sit by me to open his gifts and thrilled to pieces when he asked me to read Pokey Little Puppy (one of his daddy's favorites at that age) a second time.

Happy Birthday, Buddy! I hope all your wishes come true.💕


  1. That's a very touching story of how a grandmother and grandson try to bond.

  2. Happy Birthday to this cute little one. I loved reading about him. I'm happy he warmed up to up to you.
    Hugs for this cute one!
