
Feb 19, 2021

Landing on Mars

Have I told you before that my sweetie is a nerd? I mean this in the most adorable way...
So this morning, he woke me up to tell me that Krispy Kreme had made a special limited edition donut only available today, in honor of the Mars Landing. He has been keeping tabs on the landing and he definitely wanted me to order some... enough for all the kids and grandkids. This was a BIG deal!!
Princess dropped by with her little ones and my sweetie had the boys lauching rockets and dropping parachuters from the balcony.
After they took off, my sweetie and I watched the actual landing on my computer. The people at NASA were so excited!
Almost as excited as my kids were when they saw the donuts.

1 comment:

  1. I'm smiling on this one. It looks like a fun way to enjoy a space moment. I love how you two find the specials.
    Sending hugs!
