
Feb 12, 2021

Days Go By...

It seems like my life is not nearly as exciting as it was prior to Covid-19. I find that several days slide by because I don't have much to say.
I spent a bunch of time embroidering numbers on these hats. Curly left with his team today for a baseball tournament. I sure love watching him play! But I have a previous commitment to a certain little basketball team. 
Yeah, we have a lot of fun!! This is where we take our team pictures.
So cute!! Even better without the masks.


  1. Yeah, it's that way around here too. Work and grocery store. Work and grocery store.

    We did get away for a few days last week. It was SO nice!

    This week we're snowed in so now there isn't even work or grocery shopping! Ho hum...

  2. What darling team photos. It will have an important meaning in their lives down the road.
    It's true, this has slowed our life down some and now I'm not ready to speed up again.
    Blessings and hugs!!
