
Jan 14, 2021

Traveling Together: Making Cookies

One of the things that convinced us we wanted to vacation in the cold were those crazy Hallmark Christmas movies. Watching people play in the snow, ice-skate, and decorate for Christmas made it all sound so fun (even though I hung up my skates decades ago.)

There is definitely plenty of snow here even though all the Christmas lights have been taken down. But there is one Christmas tradition we love to do all year long... bake cookies.
It was Baby Doll's idea,  so I put her in charge. I will be so glad when her bangs are finally grown out. I actually called her "Cousin It" at lunch today because they were all hanging in her face.
But I digress...
So, once she got started, I went in the bedroom and just look what happened!
All by herself. 
When did she get so grownup?

1 comment:

  1. Cookies are the best and how fun that she made them by herself.
    Sending hugs for Baby Doll!
