
Jan 9, 2021

Traveling Together: Hi-Dee-Ho, We are in Idaho

I'm so sorry I have been neglecting you! I have been running around like crazy getting ready for our after-Christmas trip to Idaho. I know, it seems like we travel all the time and we certainly have the means to travel more now that most of our kids are grown, but the biggest thing that has made the difference for us was buying a travel plan. I don't mean this to be an advertisement, but we got a 2-bedroom condo for a week in Idaho for $99! No, not per night, for the whole trip! The room was so cheap that we got one for Grandpa too. The rooms are fun and rustic and huge!

Grandpa doesn't normally like to go anywhere with us since the kids tend to get a bit rowdy, but we are with a pretty small group this time. My sweetie and I are in the 2-bedroom with Baby Doll and Scout and Grandpa and Curly and hanging out together in a 1-bedroom. They aren't too far away, and they have been with us since we got here. We are doing all of the cooking in our bigger quarters, so they mostly just sleep away from us.

We got in just before dark, unloaded, made and ate supper and then had just enough time for an hour in the game room. They have foosball, air hockey, ping pong, and one of those basketball hoop games. Since we are all busy with basketball (Baby Doll's team had their first real game this morning...) we all took a chance at making as many baskets as we could in one minute. Scout had 28 and refuses to believe that Curly beat her with 30 since he was doing his own counting and recording. I'm guessing we will be having a rematch tomorrow. I didn't do so well, but I managed to beat Scout in a game of ping pong and Baby Doll at air hockey, so I guess that's not so bad.

There are several feet of snow here which is fun since we have very little on the Wasatch Front. It is mostly crusted over, but is supposed to storm a little this week. The kids are excited to go sledding and play in the snow. 

Getting away is difficult with school in session, especially since it is the end of the term (which is why we don't have everyone with us), but the teachers are wonderfully adaptive since they all have zoom stuff going on anyway with all the COVID-19 problems. Our new governor announced that teachers in Utah will be able to get the vaccine starting next week. That is a huge relief for my sister and her family.

I'm excited to share this little trip with you. We have some fun things planned.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, another fun adventure for your family. Cheap is good. What do you use as a link for it and where in Idaho?
    Blessings and hugs!
