
Jan 26, 2021

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to me! And to this blog! I'm getting way up there. I have been thinking how much I have changed over the past decade that I have been blogging. Baby Doll was only 4 months old then and I wasn't sure I was finished having little ones. Curly was 2 and Scout was barely 5. Only Bossy was married and her older boys were just small then. Dog Walker was in high school and we]were totally caught up in helping him achieve that very first major goal of earning all the merit badges. Such a different place than I find myself now.

I was active and mostly healthy then... no back pain, no problems with my gall bladder or my feet. I had only broken a few fingers by then and my knee was functioning well. I hadn't gained 40 COVID pounds and my busy crazy life knew nothing of masks or social distancing. Honestly, I had never even worried about a global pandemic. I figured modern science mostly protected us from such things.

But I digress...

We had a birthday party for me yesterday with nearly all the kids. Princess and her entire little family joined us for the first time since March. The only ones missing were Taco, Prima Donna, and Teach's family. They have had a scare this past week, but maybe I can convince her to tell you about that.

Bossy is only ten days from delivering her little boy. He has been blog-named Queso. We had a "sprinkle" for her yesterday too. It was fun to see her showered with gifts! None of our extended family ventured out in person, but they were generous in their gift-giving.

I wonder where we might be in 10 more years? My sweetie and I will be pushing 70 by then. I keep thinking life will slow down a bit for us. I have started looking forward to cooking smaller and shopping less frequently, but for most meals, there are still about 8 of us. That seems a long way from tapering down to empty nesters. There seems to be only one answer...

Run away!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the runaway part! Happy Birthday to you and I am happy you had a celebration. How fun to see children you haven't seen for a while.
    I will look forward to learning about your new grandbaby soon.
    I kind of doesn't feel like your life will ever be totally quiet. You have too many children and grandchildren. You will have to make dates to hide and have time.
    Sending loving birthday thoughts and hugs your way!
