
Nov 25, 2020

Traveling Together - St. George

It is probably starting to sound like we travel all the time, but our trip to St. George was actually supposed to be for Curly's football tournament. After the Governor of Utah shut things down, we still had our hotel rooms reserved so we decided to go anyway.
We were traveling with Bossy's family (since they love football too), and at the last minute, Little Warrior also joined us.
As soon as we got all checked into our hotel, the only thing the kids wanted to do was swim.
We had the pool to ourselves and it was so much fun!
Most of the pools have been closed, both in Park City and in Oregon, so the kids were very excited to have this opportunity.
We stayed in the pool until 10:00 pm, so the little ones were tired. We had just gotten them settled when suddenly the smoke alarms went off throughout the entire hotel!!
Honestly, we were terrified as we grabbed the kids from their beds and ran for the parking lot with all the other guests.
After a few long moments, the fire engine showed up and we were let back into the hotel. It turned out that someone was operating an unauthorized space heater that got too hot.

We finally got the kids settled back in and sleeping. We had big plans for Friday and we didn't want anyone to be tired.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a lot of fun and another good adventure. Blessings and hugs to you all!
