
Nov 29, 2020

Traveling Together - Snow Canyon State Park

So...DRUMROLL...winner of our amazing nail kit from Manscaped is MARCI!! Please email me your shipping info, Marci, and I will get that set right out to you. Thanks for playing, everyone!

Back to our amazing trip to sunny southern Utah the week before Thanksgiving. There are just so many things I want to tell you that I keep mixing them up. On Friday, my sweetie wanted to take us to Snow Canyon. He and Curly had visited that state park when they were there in March when COVID first hit. 

Our first goal was to get them all fed, so we stopped at a little picnic area that was pretty deserted. 

But it was hard to get much eating done when this little guy kept stealing our Cheetos!

Then the kids decided they wanted to climb a rock. They all headed out while we alternately watched them and the bird.

After they stopped here for a pic, the bigger kids went all the way to the top! I convinced Scout that she could get me at least to that little outcropping of rock. The kids made it look so easy... but I must confess that I struggled a bit. Not that it was a problem, I just worried about slipping and falling way more than I did 20 years ago.

Then we drove to a scenic overlook that was stunning, but not quite as impressive as Dead Horse Point.

By then the kids were ready to climb another mountain, so we went looking for one...

It wasn't hard to find. 

Our last stop was at the huge area of red sand dune just inside the park. I stayed in the car with Little Warrior since he had fallen asleep, but the kids absolutely loved that part the best!

Then it was back to the hotel, a quick shower and some pool time. We had a few more family members show up toward evening and we all helped in the planning for Saturday's adventure...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, another fun adventure for you family. I do love the fun things you do.
