
Nov 14, 2020

Traveling as Two: Tillamook

After a day of rest, we were excited to plan a little day trip. I couldn't come all this way without crossing the border into Washington, so we started making our way up the coast.
Before we got here, I didn't realize how much of Route 101 was forested areas and not just driving along the beach.
My sweetie read online about an airplane museum that was housed in an old blimp hangar from WWII. His dad served active duty in that war so we were excited to check it out. Since it was Veteran's Day, we even got in for free.
They had all sorts  of displays; airplanes, trains, cars, fire engines... The hangar was huge!
After we left the museum, we continued on our trek to Wasington. Our next stop was Rockaway Beach. It was quiet and beautiful and the sand was packed hard so we could easily walk near the water in our street shoes.
We gathered a few shells for Baby Doll before we climbed back in the car and headed for Seaside, a little resort town with a carousel mall. 
We explored the little shops and bought some souvenirs before my sweetie rushed us out the door and down the street so we didn't miss the sun setting on the water.
It was definitely beautiful, even with the clouds obscuring the reflection. With the darkening skies, we hurried on. We were spending the night in Astoria, right on the Washington border.
Instead of going out for dinner, we ate in our room so we would have time for the hot tub before bed. Tomorrow was going to be a very busy day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this day seemed so lovely. I think the trip to the museum was a good one for sure. It looked so interesting. Of course, you going into the State we lived in for 15 years. The photos of your adventure are lovely. So happy you could have these special moments.
    Blessings and hugs!
