
Nov 17, 2020

Traveling as Two: Back to Newport

One of the activities my sweetie and I have always enjoyed is visiting a good aquarium. After a little research, we discovered that the Oregon Coast Aquarium was supposed to be one of the best, so we made an appointment online and headed for Newport. 
We arrived a little early so we decided to visit the pier. The sky was so amazing and you know how much I love the big boats.
The aquarium was different from any we had ever visited before. Part of it was outside which was good because of COVID-19, but not so great with the rain.
My favorite part were the long tube-like aquariums. The fish were more native to the area, so they were pretty different from what we had seen in the past. 
My sweetie had a good talk with this one.
Our favorite was the sea otter. Did you know they are extinct in Oregon except for the ones in this aquarium?
I had never seen starfish this big!!
After spending way too much in the gift shop, we drove back to the condo. My sweetie had a special meal planned for us.
I love condo life. It's so nice to not have any worries beyond cooking dinner and cleaning up afterward.
Maybe someday....

1 comment:

  1. You have had such a lovely trip. I do love going to Aquariums. I wasn't aware that the sea otter is becoming extinct; that's sad. I love that you could have a Condo to just enjoy and relax in. Great photos of this day!
    Sending hugs your way!
