
Sep 19, 2020

Renaissance Man

Curly is a Renaissance Man. I think I've told you that before and even if I haven't, you have likely guessed it by now.

He is playing football for Bingham's Grid Iron A team and he has earned the coveted starting center spot. This requires practicing three nights a week and a Saturday morning game. Fortunately, that leaves us with two nights a week that he can use for other things. This past two weeks, he has opted to spend that time playing baseball.
Back in August, Curly's baseball coach asked me if Curly would like to play in just one more tournament. I reminded him that Curly was playing football and he would only be available on Tuesdays and Fridays. Thankfully (since I love baseball), they still wanted to put him on the roster.
His first game was supposed to be the day after Labor Day and then an unscheduled football practice pulled him from that game. I have to admit that I was a little more devastated than he was, but then a crazy windstorm across the valley that downed trees and severely damaged Drama Queen's deck, cancelled the game.
Curly missed the next two games, both losses and on Friday when he was available, they played the top team in the tournament. Sadly, they chalked up another loss 2-6. Then they rescheduled the "wind" out game for Tuesday. With all losses the first week, we totally expected it to be Curly's last game.
Then Tuesday rolled around. Curly pitched an excellent game and had 5 RBIs on his 2 monster hits!! They won!! But to come from last place to the Friday night championship game without Curly seemed unlikely. Then they won on Wednesday...
and Thursday...
And that brought us to tonight and one more game.
Curly pitched the first 2 innings and he helped score 3 of their 4 points, but they still came up short of the win. But for a second chance at a last game, 2nd place was not too bad.
Not too bad at all...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you do have one busy son with sports, and I loved the baseball story. I love baseball, and I especially love watching the younger players. I think coming in 2nd is really good.
    It is football season for sure. My grandchildren mainly play Soccer and Football. I usually get to see a few of their games. Due to COVID, we won't travel as much.
    The Soccer player is from Heber, and the football players live in Idaho.
    Blessings and hugs for Curly!
