
Sep 14, 2020

Cowabunga Bay Cookie Party

Did I tell you how proud I am of our Girl Scout team here in Utah? When COVID-19 brought all of our plans to a stand-still, the Girl Scouts of Utah were quick to pull everything from us... troop meetings, summer camp, cookie sales... everything.

But unlike most groups, the Girl Scouts weren't content with just pulling the rug out from under us. They helped troops and even individual girls get rid of thousands of boxes of cookies, they offered all sorts of alternative online courses and badge classes. They even gave out the tickets for our cookie party at Cowagunga Bay so each girl could choose a day to go that didn't involve hundreds of other girl scouts.

We had SO much fun!!

It was only the three of us, me, Baby Doll and Scout. My sweetie didn't want us to buy tickets for anyone else since we had season passes for Lagoon.

The Girl Scouts even gave us vouchers for food and desserts.

We love being Girl Scouts!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is awesome that The Girl Scout organization found a way to keep going during this crisis. I think your reward for going to Cowagunga is sweet. How fun to just be there with two of your girls.
    Blessings and hugs!
