
Aug 17, 2020

Family Vacation - COVID-STYLE, Day 9 - Dead Horse Point

Last day of vacation and we just couldn't resist one more stop to see something amazing. My sweetie decided that Dead Horse Point in Utah would be the perfect place to go. None of our younger kids had been there and honestly, I couldn't really remember it either.

 It was only a short drive off the main road and a fee (of course) before we were driving to the overlook.

It was so beautiful!

On every side!

I love the Grand Canyon, but this was nearly as spectacular if not quite as large. It was almost as if what we were seeing there could not be real. After walking around the end of the rim, we made our way back to the van. It had been a long trip and we were anxious to get home.

Not really, but it is only possible to ignore the real world for so long.... right, Baby Doll?

When did you get so grown up anyway?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this was the perfect place to end the trip. I loved the photos and Baby Doll is looking very grown-up. How did that happen? She is still a very cute young girl. Thanks for sharing your trip.
    Blessings and hugs!
