
Jul 25, 2020

The Championship Game

You know that since Utah moved to "yellow," Curly has been able to play baseball. He loves this sport and he does a great job on 1st base and the pitching mound.
Sorry, wrong side of the fence for me.... 

Anyway, they had their tournament this week. They were the 6th place team and no one expected much.
They won their 1st game on Tuesday, then they scored back-to-back wins on Wednesday. Suddenly, they were playing in the championship!!
Curly had been in a bit of a batting slump, ok, it has been a challenge for the past month, but when he stepped up to the plate in the final game, he pounded it into left field where it cleared the 12-foot fence.
Slump over!
But even his awesome performance on the mound could not ]stop the dogs from beating them.

Still, 2nd place isn't too shabby..

1 comment:

  1. No second place is not to shabby. I can imagine the thrill of watching the home run. I had a son that loved to play and I really enjoyed watching him. I practically grew up on a baseball field. My Dad was the town baseball coach in Richfield, Utah for years. Both brothers played all the time and I grew up watching them. I loved playing softball my self.
    I love the photos and the thoughts. Congrats on coming from being behind.
    Blessings and hugs!
