
Jul 13, 2020

Backyard Volleyball

We have had so much time to hang out as a family during this pandemic! That's why I bought a new volleyball net.
We have had a great time getting all the family out to play, even Grandpa. Although sometimes we tend to get a little too competitive...
How are you all keeping your families entertained?

1 comment:

  1. I think it is awesome to have a Volleyball net up and it is a great family game with your size of family.
    There is just the two of us, so we try to find different things to do. We have lately been trying to go on day trips up into some of the mountains. It has been extra fun.
    We have a granddaughter that is living with us that is busy working and dating one guy, so we don't see a lot of her.
    Blessings and hugs!
