
Jun 25, 2020

I can't sleep...

My heart is breaking. 

In less than a week, Teach and Twiz will pack up all of their possessions, including my sweet grandbabies, climb into their van and drive across the country.

No, it's not just an extended vacation... they are moving to New Jersey. 
And I am devastated. 


  1. It must be for a job and that is important..They can always fly home and drive home, jobs sustain peoples lives, they are very important..But family in my opinion and their love is more but unfortunately most young people cannot be without a job..Our only lives in New York City and we rarely get to see her at all, but talk to her several times daily..Her job is there and she cannot give it up or she would have no employment..Maybe one window closes and another door opens, maybe you and your hubby will fly to new jersey to see your daughter and her husband..there is always something that is good that comes from a move..god bless you and hopefully you will be able to sleep and not heartbroken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Wow, that is going across the country. I'm sad for you because I know how it feels to have your child move far away. We have had one daughter that has lived in Texas, Missouri, Iowa, Australia, and now Minnesota. We usually get to see them at least once a year, but it still sad. Right now I have one of my granddaughters from this family living with me. We also have two sons in Idaho, which we see fairly often and we had a daughter in Arizona that now lives here.
    I love it when they are near and we can see them often; it's hard when they aren't.
    Sending comforting and loving thoughts your way!
