
Jun 10, 2020

COVID-19 - Trip to Lagoon

We were so excited last Christmas when we all received season passes to Lagoon! Then COVID-19 happened and we didn't even know for sure if we would be able to use them.

Then Lagoon announced they were opening with lots of restrictions, but they were still opening! We got online, made a reservation for 12:30, and we were off.
For the most part, lines were shorter and overall, there were fewer people in the park.
We had SO much fun! We are already planning another trip for next week.
See you there?!


  1. Wow, that does look like a great outing.
    Blessings and hugs!

  2. The younger generation blames the baby boomers for destroying the economy, for supporting the racist police state which murders black people, and for pretty much destroying America. The level of hatred that the youth feels towards boomers is undescribable. My question is, do you boomers think you're going to have a peaceful retirement? How do you think the younger generation will treat you? Already we see it happening, a couple weeks ago there was that video of a black guy punching a 75 year old white baby boomer man in the face in a retirement home. This is what happens when you live a greedy selfish life without thinking of the future. One day, the CONSEQUENCES of your actions come back to hit you a 100 fold. You boomers destroyed America and the youth is angry enough to riot and burn down the cities. The GREED of the baby boomers caused this. Anyway good luck, you baby boomers are gonna need it.

  3. This post has nothing to do with any of the politics you discussed and is simply about a happy family outing. Blind hatred and grouping people into categories based on one identifier like you are doing is the actual reason for the problems in this world. If you want to initiate positive change in this world look at the consequences of YOUR actions. Is this random hate spreading going to help anything? Or just build hate in your heart for no reason? Please for your own sake, as a fellow millennial, get a strong background of knowledge and consider what actually causes change, dont be like those that caused the exact problems you are referring to, which bytheway the sweet lady you are attacking is as far away from those problems as possible. She is not racist or greedy and she understands the consequences of actions a heck of a lot better than you do. Oh and she's not even a baby boomer. Do you talk to your own mother like this? I doubt it, so don't talk to my mother like this. If you want help actually understanding how to facilitate change and be part of the solution please reach out, im happy to help.
