
May 2, 2020

COVID-19 Sometimes it All Seems Like a Dream

I made more masks this week, tried to help my youngest two finish the requirements for their Soaring Leader medallions although it is not quite as exciting as having them presented in front of the entire school. Baby Doll would like it to be summer vacation.

Bossy's family decided to invest in chickens so they don't have to ever worry about running out of eggs. They bought 6 and now they are finally big enough that they can be in a henhouse. I believe that is how they are planning to spend their weekend.

The Air Force did a flyover and we were so excited to see the planes that we drove over to the park. The kids brought their $1 store kites and they were able to get them as high as the string would allow.

We watched for the planes while the older kids played frisbee and we just enjoyed the sun. The planes themselves were pretty anticlimatic. We finally saw them skimming the tops of the mountains, but very far away.

I told you about the yurt the kids put together in the backyard. Well, a quick summer storm had me washing blankets all day long.

Utah went from Red to Orange today. I think some things opened back up, but way more things were cancelled based on the Governor's prediction of when that Orange will turn to Yellow. The church cancelled all summer camps and activities. The Girl Scouts also cancelled all summer camps and clinics. A letter about baseball said nothing will begin before we see Yellow. Our dance studio is still trying to figure out how they can hold the end of year recital. Baby Doll dilligently gets on her Zoom dance classes and tries to make it feel like the studio and that she is really with her friends.

It all feels like a dream. Like maybe someone somewhere challenged God. That "show me a sign" moment is a perfect reminder of who is really in charge here. Yes, the world as we know it truly can be shut down. Missionaries around the world can be sent home. All churches and temples can close. People can be forced to stay in their homes. And Costco can make everyone wear masks or send them back to their cars.

Truly, I'm ready to wake up now.


  1. I feel like I am in disaster movie. It's strange to walk among masked people. My husband and I are in our latter ages with underlying conditions, so it is scary for us.
    However, as I watch all of this unfold, I feel strongly that it is the last days and we are preparing for the Savior. This brings great hope. Since we work in the temple we are praying to get back. I do not believe the Lord will have temple and missionary work stopped for very long, at least that is a hope. I see so many good things happening with families, so a purpose is being brought about.
    I do love the thins your children are doing. I have a daughter that is going to raise Chickens too in Minnesota.
    Have a sweet Sabbath day! Blessings and hugs!

  2. This really has been a surreal year. Neither me or my husband are working right now but we're both getting paid. We've been blessed but I know many others are struggling financially and emotionally. Hopefully this will all be over soon.
