
Mar 24, 2020

New Starts - Let's Go Band! - the encore

I know I shared with you about Crafty's unexpected return, but I couldn't resist sharing with you our newest band member.

We have also named it... Our Quarantine Band.

You know, Crafty hasn't been in the band since 9th grade (about 5 years now), so it is pretty amazing how quickly she picked the clarinet up and played it like a pro.

We still don't know what her new assignment will be. She came back to us with only a carry-on, since the sister missionaries thought they were just meeting with another group for a couple of days. They had to leave so quickly, that Crafty felt terrible about leaving dishes and even food they were currently eating on the table. She never dreamed that would be the last time she would see her little apartment in the Philippines.

There were many miracles that helped them get home, but tomorrow I will post some of her words so you can hear directly from her. So pleased to have her sweet spirit and happy laugh home with us again.


  1. I love it! I have always enjoyed the base clarinet!! You should have that young man of yours on the trumpet move the music stand up and stand up! Will help his airflow/tone. :) This coming from a long-time trumpeter, it's all about the posture. Hope you all stay healthy.

  2. Oh, I'm happy Crafty is home safely. We have a granddaughter that will be coming home from New Zealand. I love that you are putting together a band.
    Blessings and hugs!
