
Feb 1, 2020

Rest of My Birthday

Years ago, my sweetie decided that we needed a weekend to celebrate a birthday; one day just didn't cut it and we couldn't get all the things done that we wanted to do. Then we started stretching it to a week... then a month... the older we get, the longer the celebration. I know mine began pretty much as soon as the Christmas decorations were down.

I bought a new clock for the family room that plays music and dances. The grandbabies love it! Then I got on RoseGal and ordered me some new shirts. And every time I was out somewhere with one of the kids I would get the "It's your birthday month, we should go to McDonalds!" or "Let's get ice cream... It is your birthday month!" This went on for most of the month. It's a good thing my birthday is near the end.

But I digress...

You wanted to hear about my actual birthday party with the kids. As you know, last year was the first year we cut the birthday parties to just one a month which means nearly everyone has a birthday buddy. Our only other birthday in January belongs to Tadpole and he turned 2 on the 28th. He got lots of fun stuff from Grandma and Grandpa.

Tadpole has always been rather stoic, but today he was chewing gum and it was so funny watching him try to smile.
Soft gifts first! This cute jacket was number one.
Patience, Mama, patience...
The second and last soft package.
It was so much fun watching him open his presents! He would smile and giggle and tear off small pieces of paper and hand them to Baby Doll or Scout until Princess would finally just pull off the paper. I think she was as excited as he was! He loved everything, but especially the baking equipment for his little kitchen. He loves to bake with his mama and now he can pretend to do it all by himself.

We had soups and salads and vanilla cupcakes with teal colored frosting. There were also 3 different kinds of ice cream to choose from. Drama Queen is not doing birthday videos this year, so we didn't have to gather around the screen like we usually do. It was all fun and exciting and just hanging out together was great.

Everybody loved the doodlemat!

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