
Feb 7, 2020

Quick Trip to the Aquarium

Teach and Twiz gave me a membership to the Aquarium for Christmas and I was so excited to use it last Saturday! We ended up being a fairly large group that included me, Baby Doll, Teach and her two little ones and Princess and The Frog brought up their little family to spend the morning with us as well.

 I had to squeeze my time in between 2 basketball games, so I only got to stay for about an hour. The planetarium was pretty crowded although probably nothing unusual for a Saturday. We had fun walking through the Tropical Rainforest exhibit. Baby Doll and I took turns helping with Twizlet and after a while, I got to hold Polliwog.

We loved the giant turtles and a bird flew across right in front of me when we were in the open area. Since we were short on time, we skipped a couple of things so I could see the penguins. They are just so ridiculously silly!

All too soon I had to leave the group and take off for Curly's basketball game. Fortunately, I have a pass so I can go back any time I want to see the penguins again.

Thanks, Teach and Twiz!

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