
Feb 29, 2020

How to Have a Better Outlook on Life

Wow, thank you so much, Dog Walker! I feel suitably chastened. Last week was awful and it seemed like I was barely making it by. I couldn't take off the boot and I couldn't shower. I had to wear stretchy basketball shorts and take sponge baths. Sometimes the pain was nearly unbearable and to make it all worse, I was on oxygen because my numbers kept dropping well below 90. 

Then this week began and with it came much change. I visited with my doctor on Monday. I was sad that the stitches were not taken out, but at least I could take off the boot so I could change my clothes and I could finally shower! It felt so nice to just be clean! The pain is still not great, but it's not horrible either. I am getting around much better on the scooter and I'm looking forward to being able to drive next week when the stitches are finally out. 

All of these wonderful changes, but I didn't really appreciate them because I was still upset about the things I couldn't do rather than celebrating the things I could. And yeah, I'm still sad that while all my little grandbabies will be enjoying the pool tomorrow for Twizlet's birthday while I have to sit poolside and watch, at least I can be there. The scooter gives me so much for freedom and I am so grateful for it. 

Right now it is 3:30 AM and I am the only one up. My sweetie didn't feel well so he went to bed early, but I had to put a modesty panel in Scout's new swimsuit, and by the time I was finished, I was the only one left awake. Trying to make it upstairs by myself might be possible, but the walk from the top of the stairs to the side of my bed without my scooter seems like a terrible idea without my scooter especially after taking the stairs. So the two of us will sleep down here tonight since it still hasn't figured out how to climb the stairs without someone to help it (the scooter, I mean).

But life is good. As least my office chair is nice and squishy and my Disneyland jacket will keep me warm.

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