
Jan 17, 2020

Go San Diego - Dinner at the AMC

I spent a quiet day here at the hotel while my sweetie attended his meetings. It would be nice to totally escape from real life, but that's not possible. I had brought some paperwork with me that needed to be done and the kids called me from time to time. I also had basketball games to arrange and volleyball stuff that crept up. So I didn't get a chance to crack open that book I brought with me or pull out my stitching, but it was still a nice and somewhat relaxing day.

My sweetie showed up about 4:00 and we started looking for something to fill our evening and our tummies. We had decided on Japanese, but when we pulled into the parking lot, the AMC sprawled ahead of us. They even advertised meals in the theater and that sounded way more fun than a simple meal.

We bought our tickets to see Jumanji 2 and then our food at the counter before we headed into the theater. We had just barely gotten settled in our reclining seats when our dinner showed up. My sweetie had an avocado chicken sandwich and I had chicken tenders. The food was pretty good and we munched our way through the opening credits (which were incredibly long!). I think we watched at least 10 trailers before the real movie started.

As we sat there, my sweetie became more and mored confused. Apparently, he didn't realize that the movie we were watching was a sequel to a newer version of Jumanji, not the original Robin Williams movie. We had a good laugh and decided that maybe he should watch the first one sometime.

I called Curly on Duo as we drove back to the hotel and we had a chance to talk with the kids. It was good to share our day with them and to hear about all the things that were happening at home. We are packing up because tomorrow we change hotels and start paying for our own place to stay. My sweetie's company was fine with me coming along, and even with him taking a few more days off, but I don't think they would be that excited about paying for our hotel for the rest of the stay.

I'm excited to use our passes more tomorrow. My sweetie wants to be off early so we can be the first ones at the gate at Legoland. Apparently, they have something pretty special there right now, but shhh, it's a surprise for Curly.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't recommend watching the Robin Williams version of Jumanji. That one is way more terrifying than the sequel.
