
Nov 20, 2019

Our Grand Adventure - Returning Home

Ah yes, we did come home... it was late Sunday night before we finally got off the airplane, picked up our luggage and made our way to the pickup spot. But wait, I'm beginning at the end... let me start over.

We got up pretty early on Sunday morning, packed up our hotel room, and checked out. We drove along the road that passed right by all of the falls, looking for a place to park and wishing we had left our car snug and safe at the Hilton.

Finally, we paid $20 to an attendant at a tiny lot so we could get up close and personal with the falls. They are so massively beautiful! I can't even begin to describe the wonder and amazement of stand about 5 feet above that powerful surging water. Maybe pics will help.

I wanted you to see all the ice we were walking tthrough!

After we left Niagara Falls, we started on our way back to Detroit so we could catch our flight home. My sweetie knows of my fascination with the Great Lakes and he planned one last stop on the beach of Lake Erie. It is so peaceful and we spent a few minutes walking along the beach and picking up shells for Baby Doll.

It wasn't long before my sweetie was stressing the drive, so we took off, this time on our way to leaving Canada for good (at least for this trip!). I'm not going to get sappy today since I have already heard about it from yesterday, but I am going to bombard you with the rest of my pics.

1 comment:

  1. I did look through many of your trip thoughts and photos. It looked like a spectacular trip and I think it is awesome that you were able to go on such a great adventure. You two deserve to have a fun trip like this together.
    Blessings and hugs for you two!
    I feel sad, I haven't been on for a while and I'm not sure where I am going with it all. I'm just finding my life overwhelming and I can't keep up with it. I will pop in and out and try to catch up. I am hoping to do a post myself; it's been a while.
