
Nov 12, 2019

Our Grand Adventure - Barrie, Ontario, Canada

Growing up in Utah and living on the Wasatch Front for most of my adult life means that I have been in plenty of snowstorms, so I didn't exactly travel all the way out of the country just so I could experience snow.  Basically, the snow in Canada is pretty much like the snow in Utah except that without the mountains that shelter the Salt Lake Valley, when the wind blows across this part of Canada, it is cold!!

We had originally planned to drive out and see the Lake Huron this morning, but the weather kept us much nearer to our condo and we ended up in the closest city which is Barrie. It's a nice place, with friendly people and a small town atmosphere.

We hadn't packed boots and things for weather this cold, so after a nice lunch at Applebee's where we saw more than a dozen people sporting their Canadian military wear for Veteran's Day, we headed for a little mall to see if we could buy some boots. Applebee's gives out free meals to military every November 11th which I think is super awesome. I was just surprised to see that it happened in Canada just like in the United States (or the States as everyone says it here).

After working our way through most of the mall shops, we didn't find any boots, but we did eventually find a bowling alley and we decided it was a great idea to challenge each other to a quick game. My sweetie won the first game, but I actually won the second one. It was the first time I can recall ever beating him at bowling.

We grabbed an Orange Julius on our way back to the car, stopped at a little Chinese market, and then drove to WalMart. It took us about 2 hours to buy new boots and a bunch of things to eat back at the condo. Food here seems to cost way more, but the exchange rate is off too, so it is hard to tell.

After a long and slow snowy drive, we were back at the condo. We made our own dinner of lasagna, salad, and wheat bread. It was nice to just be by ourselves for a change. Hopefully the storm will let up a little tomorrow so we can drive down to see the water.

I will let you know.

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