
Nov 9, 2019

Bingham Football 2019

On Thursday night, we had the year-end football banquet at the Brick Oven pizza place for Curly's Mity Mite A-Team. They lost right before Halloween in the first round of playoff games. It was a heart-breaker and the season all ended so fast.

Curly is such a good kid and almost as tall as me now, and to see the tears just rolling down his cheeks at the thought that he wouldn't be seeing his friends a few times a week, wouldn't be wearing those pads and #97, or hiking that ball. The loss was hard, but the things he lost were devastating.

None of that was evident at the banquet though. The boys had a great time all sitting around a huge table in the center with the parents grouped around the edges.

The coaches said great things about the boys and then the head coach presented each boy with his very own football dog tag engraved with the team motto. It was an amazing night and one I'm sure Curly will remember for a long time.

One other thing...

For some strange reason, about half a dozen of his football friends got perms and they all sport this awesome curly hair now.

Curly took one look and now it sounds like he wants to live up to his blog name again, so when we get home from Canada in a week or so, he will be sporting a new 'do. Don't worry, there will definitely be pictures!

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