
Oct 25, 2019

Guest Blog: 2 Under... 14 Months by Princess

I found out I was pregnant with Polliwog when Tadpole was only 6 months old. My two
little boys had due dates exactly 14 months apart and I was pretty stressed about it!
How in the world was I going to do this? So, I did the only thing I knew to prepare. I googled it.
Funny, if you type in, “How to survive with two under fourteen months” nothing comes up. So,
I am making this post so when the next newly pregnant mom turns to google, she will find a few
answers. :)

So, first, let me tell you about the struggles. 

Hopefully this is not the case for you, but I found out I was pregnant a week before we moved into our new house. Unpacking with a six-month-old and morning sickness is not fun. Buy saltines. Take lots of breaks and start with the important stuff. 

Pregnancy is exhausting for the whole family!

Breastfeeding mamas: Can you still nurse while pregnant? This is different for each woman. I was able to nurse for the first half of my pregnancy but as both boys got bigger, my body couldn’t keep up and my milk dried out. Talk with your doctor. Remember, the older one can eat from other sources, but the younger one can’t; so make sure you make the littlest guy a priority. 

You will feel like you have been pregnant for two years straight. That last month will be torture! Just be glad it’s not twins. (Unless it is twins, then congrats! And you deserve a medal!)

My oldest didn’t take his first steps until he was 13 months. Not a huge deal, unless you are 9 months pregnant! Tadpole was by no means a solid walker when Polliwog made his appearance. But, I had been carrying them around for quite a while. Now, I had the option of setting both of them down! I think that’s the biggest thing to remember. Once they are both here, you aren’t pregnant any more. (Well, at least not for a while. ;) ) It’s not going to be a piece of cake, but you are stronger than you realize!

When you go to the grocery store, you cart will be so full of babies you won’t have room for food! At first, I did grocery pick up and had the employee bring it right to my car. Now, I have become the ultimate grocery Tetris player. The baggers don’t even try to put my groceries back in!

You will have the exact same conversation with every stranger you meet: “Looks like you have your hands full!” “How far apart are they?” “My closest two are ___ months/years apart.”

Now, Polliwog is six months old and let me tell you about some of the good stuff!

Tadpole hadn’t truly reached the jealous stage when Polliwog made his appearance. He didn’t seem too fazed with losing the attention and he wasn’t super wild either. (He is a pretty calm child, but as he becomes more of a toddler I’m grateful I don’t have a newborn in the house.)

Polliwog has an older brother to watch and learn from and he is progressing fast! (A little too fast for my mommy heart.)

They are the best of friends.

For the most part, they like all the same things (food, shows, toys). I just make sure I have two of everything!

Aren’t a fan of the baby stage? Having them so close together gets this out of the way fast. Married an old guy? Get those babies here before he needs a cane to walk! (Just kidding he’s not THAT old.)

We took these two on an airplane to New York and to Disneyland!
The best part? You’ve got two beautiful kids. You’ve got four cheeks to kiss and four arms to squeeze. There are different challenges that come with each of them, regardless of their age. Enjoy each moment! Good luck! You got this!


  1. Oh, Princess, what precious babies you have. I loved reading about how hard it was and how good it is. It will be a great read for others that have had babies close. All the photos were adorable.
    Blessings and hugs to you all!
