
Sep 3, 2019

Some Labor Day Fun

We hadn't planned to do anything for Labor Day weekend except for a huge project my sweetie had been planning for quite some time now, but for some reason, my kids like to get together, even if it is just the appeal of a simple BBQ.

I blame her dad for this deviant behavior...
Most of them showed up on Sunday about 5:00. My sweetie spent way too much time prepping for the party after his laundry room project that I will show you pics of tomorrow. He is not quite finished yet. Anyway, on Saturday while I was out shopping, I bought a case of his favorite peaches. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) he also made a quick stop at the Farmer's Market on his way to the Home Depot and bought a second case of peaches that were not quite his favorite since they didn't have Lemon Elbertas.

Gotta have that peach cobbler!!

That meant we had way too many peaches, so we just had to have some peach cobbler! Along with hot dogs, brats, fries, corn on the cob, and watermelon; we had quite the feast.

It was too hot to eat outside, although we gave it a good try. After things were cleaned up and some of the kids had drifted off to their own homes, we watched our favorite Labor Day movie, The Newsies.

My sweetie doesn't love The Newsies like we do. He took the opportunity to turn in early.
Actual Labor Day was more laboring for my sweetie and hundreds of tiny cupcakes for Club Rush tomorrow for Sport and the girls. I ran errands and took care of some mission stuff for Crafty. Now it's off and running with Fall activities. Hopefully by tomorrow my fridge will be "running" too.

1 comment:

  1. It does look like one of your awesome parties. I love how you all get together; that is such a blessing. I still don't know how you do all you do in one day.
    Blessings and hugs!
