
Sep 16, 2019

Leader/Daughter Retreat

It's been a very eventful week! I got a new computer and I've been slow coming up to speed, but then I've also been out of town... I just have so many things to tell you!! But I will start with one.

On Friday night, six of my eight daughters and I spent the night at Trefoil Ranch as part of our Leader/Daughter Retreat. Drama Queen and Bossy got all the girls up there in 2 vehicles and then my sweetie ran me up later, but I will tell you about that tomorrow. 

Anyway, I arrived about 11:00 pm and while most of the camp was already sleeping, my girls were all awake and playing a silly survival game. Since Teach's baby is due in only 3 short weeks, we were given a common area with its own bathroom where we could spread out and be by ourselves. We were literally wall-to-wall mattresses as you can see in the pictures, but it was so fun being together and sharing stories, laughter, and some treats.

Most of the girls went to bed about 12:30, but Scout and I stayed up playing cards for another 45 minutes. It's arguable that she is quicker at SPEED than I am...

We all woke up about 6:00 am and we talked and laughed a little more until it was time to go for breakfast around 8:15. After cereal, fruit, and muffins, we had fun with the activities. Baby Doll and I painted a Mom & Me scene together right before she took off with Teach and Bossy. Baby Doll had an audition for the Sleeping Beauty ballet and then a birthday party she didn't want to miss.

Drama Queen, Crafty, Scout, and I also painted our own little scene of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. I'm not much of an artist, so this was not at all relaxing for me, but I did have fun at target practice with Scout. We were shooting pieces of dog food at tin pans with slingshots. She was much better at it than I was. When the lady running things asked her if she could hit the target in the tree, not only did she hit it, but she brought it down!!

We finally cleaned our areas and said our goodbyes. We picked up some peaches at the fruit stand for my sweetie on our way home and we got here just in time to pick up Baby doll from the birthday party.

1 comment:

  1. Your Leader/daughter retreat looked so fun. You did some great activities. You really are amazing at doing fun things with your daughters.
    Hugs for all!
