
Aug 5, 2019

Vacation 2019 - Seal Beach

Today was exciting for sure, even though it was supposed to be our down day. We found a nearby Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and we all made it to the 11:30 Sacrament meeting. When we got back to the hotel, the kids wanted to swim, so we pushed back our plans to go to the beach until about 4:00.

It took us about half an hour to drive to Seal Beach, so it was definitely an adventure. The kids didn't seem to be too timid when it came to playing in the water. The Dog Walker wanted to be far enough out that he could easily float in the water and the others all wanted to be smashed by the waves. They would turn their backs and when they felt the wave was imminent, they would jump and let the wave carry them several feet.

Puppy Lover decided she wanted to bury the Dog Walker in the sand and she recruited all the kids so they could make it happen. The Dog Walker was very patient and he held very still until they had completed their task before he headed back to the water to wash off all the loose sand.

Baby Doll started gathering shells, and it wasn't long before we had a nice pile. After she wandered off, my sweetie invited me to join him for a walk on the boardwalk. We let the adult children know and then we headed off for a romantic stroll.

We walked all the way to the end and were on our way back when we got a phone call from the kids letting us know that the pickup truck that was idling on the beach would be taking Sport to the 1st Aide station for treatment since he had been stung by a stingray.

We picked up the pace on our stroll and we hurried to the 1st Aide Station so we could meet them there. Sport was pretty bummed, but actually he was more upset about his prescription sunglasses that had been swallowed up by a big wave than he was about the sting.

They had his foot soaking in hot water in a stingray bag and THAT is the treatment! The hot water is supposed to draw out the venom and then we treated it like any other small cut with a bandaid and Neosporin.

As we were leaving the parking lot, we caught a glimpse of one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. It was the perfect ending for our time at the beach.

And for tomorrow?
Well, most people don't come to Anaheim for the sunsets...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this looked like a lot of fun. I loved that you started with church. The beach looks so fun. Dog Walker is brave to be buried. I don't think I could handle that. I'm sorry that Sport got a Stingray bite, not fun, I'm sure.
    I most of all loved that you and your sweetie could take a romantic stroll.
    Hugs for all!
