
Aug 19, 2019

Look at Crafty!

Crafty has been busy working, buying clothes, and learning Tagolog as she prepares for his mission to the Philippines. Then last week at church she started talking about cutting her hair before her mission and together we decided that it would be wonderful if she could donate it somewhere.

After a little research, she decided that Children With Hair Loss would be her choice. I wanted her to have someone cut her hair who really cared about her, not just about the donation, so Aunt Julie was my first thought. She has her own little salon in her home and when I gave her a call, she was happy to help us out.

We arranged to go on Saturday night after Crafty got home from work. She was nervous; after all, she didn't remember ever having a major haircut and her hair was past her waist. As a ballerina, having a nice thick bun was important to her, but now as she prepared herself for a tropical climate, she didn't want the weight of it on her back or the hassle of taking care of it.

Aunt Julie put Crafty right at ease and though I was expecting tears, I never saw her shed one. When they were finished, I couldn't imagine her being more beautiful. She truly has the light of Christ about her already. I'm sure that will only burn more brightly as we get closer and closer to the time she leaves us and starts on her new adventure.

And sweet Aunt Julie wouldn't take a dime for her services, commenting only that it was her gift of support for Crafty's mission. We are so blessed to have such good people around us.

1 comment:

  1. Crafty looks lovely with her new haircut. It looks like she donated a lot of hair. Blessing for her for doing that. I'm excited about her mission.
    Blessings and hugs for Crafty!
