
May 18, 2019

Scholarship for Crafty

We received notification a week or so ago that Crafty had received a scholarship from the Alumni Foundation. We have often had our kids apply for them, but these scholarships are extremely competitive and and we have rarely won.

We arrived at the high school just in time for the reception/ceremony to start. About a dozen kids were given scholarships, and each time Crafty would lean over my shoulder and whisper, "I'm scared, what am I going to say?"

As it turned out, she was the second to last one awarded, so she had plenty of time to think about it. When the representative from Hogan Financial handed her the mic after awarding her a $1500. scholarship, our girl answered with grace and confidence.

She sure has changed from that shy, quiet little girl with the huge hazel eyes. I almost feel ok about sending her out into the big scary world.

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