
May 22, 2019

Beach Party

Today was the 5th grade Beach Party at Curly's school. I had committed to it long before I knew about Grandpa's surgery, and I was glad that Dog Walker was not working today so he could help me out.

Once again, I took my famous Plinko Board my sweetie made for Cub Scouts and made it into something fun and exciting. I gave the kids each two chances to win a coveted bag of chips and they had so much fun playing that other than the Tiki Hut that just sold treats, I think my booth was the most popular.

Curly came over a few times, but he was enthralled with the relay games and then one that looked sort of like skeeball. The afternoon went by quickly and it wasn't long before Curly and I were loading the Plinko Board back in my car in the rain.

When I got home, Grandpa was fine, Skittles was fine, and all was right with the world.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Curly had a great end of year party. You are awesome to be so involved.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
