
Apr 14, 2019

Volleyball Tournament in Logan

On Friday at about 4:00, my sweetie, Curly, Scout, Baby Doll, and I climbed into my car with our overnight bags and headed for Logan. Scout had a volleyball tournament and we were planning to stay the night in a hotel.

The kids loved driving around the Logan temple.
They thought the University was awesome!
 My kids love hotels, maybe a little too much, so they were excited. Unfortunately, Scout had been out sick a couple of days early in the week, and she had an essay that was due at midnight. That put a slight damper on our fun, but my sweetie took Curly and Baby Doll out to see the sights while Scout and I stayed in the room and she worked on her essay. About an hour later and she was finished.
Watching TV so intently that none of them saw me snap this pic!
 The kids wanted to try out the hot tub even though it was outside and Logan is COLD. I stayed inside to check Scout's paper while my sweetie took the kids to play. The hot tub turned out to be a rather cold tub and it wasn't long before they were all back in the room. My sweetie was sop cold he had to take a shower! Then we went out to eat and drive around a bit before settling back for bed.

We braided Baby Doll's hair during the break. There were lots of breaks.

The kids were supposed to go to sleep early, but as you can see, the Disney channel was way too interesting and it was nearly 1:00 AM before I finally turned off the lights and the TV myself and they all went to sleep. Scout had to be at her tournament sight by 8:45 AM, so she and my sweetie ate breakfast and headed out. When he returned, we loaded the car and checked out of the motel.

It was only about a 10-minute drive to the tournament site and inside was so crowded! We finally found some bleacher seats and settled in for the long haul. And it was. There were 8 teams in the tournament and Scout's team finished out in 3rd place! She was so tired and sore. That is a lot of volleyball!  She played a total of 4 matches of 2 games each.

We finally wore them out.
 I'm so proud of all of her hard work! Great job, Scout!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go scout! What a fun adventure to take when going for a Tournament. Loved all the fun photos of your adventure. I especially loved the one of them all sleeping.
    Blessings and hugs!
