
Apr 1, 2019

Little Squire

On Saturday, we had the opportunity to visit our 2 new grandsons. Yesterday I posted about Polliwog, and I promised you pictures of our sweet Little Squire. Since he was born 3 weeks early, his lungs weren't quite developed, and at just under 6 lbs, he has struggled to learn to eat. The NICU staff has told Beauty and The Beast that they will not be able to take him home until he eats his full rations for an entire day. Then he must wait for another 48 hours...

That probably won't happen until midweek at this rate although today he was supposed to eat 48 oz and he ate 44, so we are getting close. He still wears a feeding tube, and the additional milk is simply fed straight into his tummy that way.

And now without further ado, may I present Little Squire...


1 comment:

  1. Little Squire is adorable of course, and I loved all the photos. Praying that he comes home soon. Blessings and hugs for all!
