
Mar 21, 2019

Singing Together

You all know I have all these little grandkids, but some of them I don't get to see as often. Like Tadpole... he lives an hour or so away, so unless we have something going on, his parents rarely just drop by.

I see Skittles and Twizlet because I babysit them both several times a week. Little Warrior lives about 20 minutes away and I am always so excited when his parents ask me to babysit for them. He is getting so grown up!!

Anyway, last week was one of those weeks when Beauty and The Beast had planned a romantic trip up to Park City for dinner before their new little one is born in a couple of weeks. They wanted to leave early, so I even got to pick up Little Warrior from Daycare.

Surprisingly, he didn't cry when he first saw me (as has been the case in the past), but he was chattering away in what I can only assume was Spanish since they are a dual immersion preschool. We walked to the car and he patiently waited for me to click him into the carseat. The piece of chocolate donut helped with the patience...

Then I climbed in and we were off! The other babies like my David Archuleta CD, so I turned on his most famous song, Glorious, and punched the repeat button. It wasn't long before I was singing and actually quite loudly. After a few minutes, the chattering stopped and I assumed he might have fallen asleep. Then it was there, that unmistakable sound of an 18-month-old little guy singing his heart out.

He was so cute, I wanted to take a picture, but this cute little blond head is all I could see!
 He even held the final note longer than I did!

We got through the entire song one more time before we arrived home. This boy has definitely got a set of lungs!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this is a cute post, I loved it all, and I know you will cherish this moment with your little one. You are amazing to do all the babysitting you do. I do not see how you do it all and then add grandchildren to the mix.
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs!
